March 29, 2024
ICYMI: Energy Leaders Advocate for Coal Mine Methane Pathway at Hearing on Treasury’s Proposed 45V Rule

Over three days of public hearings on the U.S. Treasury Department’s proposed guidance on implementation of the Section 45V Clean Hydrogen Production Credit, a diverse group of voices, including the Waste Gas Capture Initiative (WGCI) and its members, delivered testimony to encourage the Treasury to consider necessary policy implementation factors to ensure the successful inclusion of fugitive methane, including coal mine methane (CMM), under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

Including fugitive methane as a clean hydrogen production pathway is a crucial first step to ensure CMM capture systems are effectively deployed, diversifying U.S. clean energy production, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and creating jobs in the process. Read the WGCI’s prepared testimony here.

Read what multiple groups had to say on this important issue:

Mihaly Wekler, VP, Business Development & Operations, Anew Climate

Brent Bobstein, VP, Sustainable Development, CNX

Shawn Bennett, Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub (ARCH2)

Michael Moore, Executive Director, WGCI

About the WGCI

The WGCI represents leading American energy industry partners, NGOs, and experts who are committed to recognizing the economic benefits and environmental impact of a strong mine methane capture industry. Visit and follow @WGCInitiative on X (formerly known as Twitter) and LinkedIn for more information.
